FÚTBOL IN EVENTS organizes this new event, first one in Madrid, for those teams that have achieved the top positions in their respective classifications of the federation competition which takes place during the year.
We want to recognize this effort, Queremos reconocer el inestimable esfuerzo que supone este logro, not only in result, but the regularity and consistency involved.
Tournament will take par at Villamantilla, Madrid.
Unlike other events, the organization wans a fair and equitable tournament, which will be divided by categories during the following dates:
1ª División Autonómica: Alevín (U-10), may, 28th. Infantil (U-12), may, 29th.
Preferente: Alevín (U-10), june, 4th. Infantil (U-12), june, 5th.
Primera: Alevín (U-10), june, 11th. Infantil (U-12), june, 12th.
Segunda: Alevín (U-10), june, 18th. Infantil (U-12), june, 19th.
Further information contact us by phone (657 915 106 – Álvaro) or by email (torneos@futbolinevents.com).
Rules of IN Cup Campeones Tournament
Participating teams 2016
72 teams from 42 different clubs will participate. Good luck to all!.